Olena Martynenko
Olena Martynenko
1968 – was born in Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia oblast;
1987 – graduated from Sumy cultural and educational college and obtained qualification of a head of an amateur choreographic group;
1992 – graduated from the Faculty of of Preschool Education at P.D. Osypenko State Teachers’ Training Institute of Berdiansk and obtained her diploma with honours as per program subject area ‘Pedagogy and Preschool Psychology’;
1992 – was appointed to the post of an assistant of the Department of the Theory and Methods of Preschool Education;
1995 – was transferred to the post of a Senior Lecturer of that Department;
1996–1999 – studied at the special-purpose postgraduate school of Berdiansk State Teachers’ Training Institute and after finishing it was appointed to the post of a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education at Berdiansk State State Teachers’ Training Institute;
2003 – worked as a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Music Education and Choreography;
2004 – graduated from Berdyansk State Pedagogical University and obtained her diploma with honours as per program subject area ‘Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education. Choreography”.
2005 – successfully defended her PhD thesis on the theme ‘Pedagogical Conditions for Forming Choreographic Skills in 5-6 Year-Old Children at Preschool Establishments at the Institute for Problems of Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and obtained her PhD in Pedagogy as per program subject area ‘Preschool Pedagogy’ (thesis adviser – E.S. Vilchakovskyi, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, an Associate of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine);
2009 – was conferred an academic title of an Associate Professor of the Department of Music Education and Choreography; she has 19 years of teaching service;
2010 – was appointed head of the Department of Choreography at the Institute for Aesthetic and Physical Education at BSPU, which after reorganization became part of the Institute for Psychological and Pedagogical Education and Arts.
During her work at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Olena Martynenko developed and taught at a high scientific and methodological level the following academic courses: The Art of a Ballet Master, The Theory and Techniques of Modern Dance, Methods of Work with Children’s Choreographic Group, Methods of Teaching Disciplines of Qualification, Practicum as per Qualification and Dance Therapy;
1987 – has been running the folk group of variety dance MarLen at the Centre for Children and Youth Creativity that has more than 180 children and is a base for doing choreographic practices by students;
2010 – the student folk group of variety dance MarLen, that has also been run by her, was given an honorary title of ‘People’s Amateur Group of Trade Unions of Ukraine’ (order of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine No. 751 of September 16, 2010);
- 2015 – was given an honorary title of Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine by the decree of the President.